Conflict, Resilience and Communication Skills Workshop (RCPCH) 10/10/17

​Brief - To design and deliver a mini-workshop for Designated and Named Doctors (Child Safeguarding) at the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health.


  1. Clarification of scope and intended outcomes for workshop
  2. Provision of outline for workshop content including didactic, group work and simulation elements.
  3. Preparation of slides, case study, group work and take home message infographic.


  1. Didactic laying out of key concepts
  2. Facilitation of case study based group work
  3. Facilitation of ‘tool kit’ construction to improve communication, conflict management and resilience
  4. Clarification and wrap-up of session.

Sesssion duration: 1hour 45minutes

Participants: 40

Location: Farringdon London

Post-delivery feedback

General- Well received with positive verbal feedback on the day.

Specific - “ Please can I thank you again for an outstanding session today and following the brief. We have scanned the feedback and yours was very well received.” Dr JC Designated Doctor and Faculty member.

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